One-on-One Meetings |
EngageThe core of RVCF's mission is bringing retailers and suppliers together to solve problems, and the One-on-One meeting program at our Spring and Fall conferences does just that. We host hundreds of One-on-One meetings at each event, connecting trading partners to help them to better understand each other's needs, resolve issues, and strengthen their existing business relationships. A One-on-One meeting is a prescheduled discussion between a retailer and merchandise supplier held in a designated separate area during an RVCF Conference. This area is monitored by RVCF staff to ensure that the sessions run smoothly. Each retailer is assigned one or more tables, depending on how many representatives the retailer makes available for One-on-Ones. Suppliers move to the appropriate retailer tables according to their individual predetermined and preapproved meeting schedule.
RVCF Supplier Open Forum
RVCF Retailer Open Forum
3PL Open Forum
Supply Chain EDI 301 - 850,810, 856 ASN and UCC-128 Labels EDI (SEDI 201 is a prerequisite)
RVCF Supplier Open Forum
Supply Chain EDI 401-Advanced: E-Commerce EDI & Change Order Automation (SEDI301 is a prerequisite)
RVCF Retailer Open Forum